Teen primed for bucket list debut

Tim Button will enter this weekend’s Tatts Finke Desert Race as the youngest driver out of the 165 entered, something he has been working towards for the past two years.

State News: Agrela holds on for Bencubbin victory

The CAMS Western Australian Off Road Championship has witnessed a thrilling conclusion to the famous Marsue Transport Bencubbin 400 as Darren Agrela claimed a famous one-second victory over Troy Schoen.

Finke: What they say

As the BFGoodrich CAMS Australian Off Road Championship heads to the Northern Territory for the second round of the 2019 season, see what some of the competitors had to say about the iconic Tatts Desert Finke Race.

Last Time They Met: Finke

With just 10 days to go until the iconic Tatts Finke Desert Race for 2019, aorc.com.au looks back at last year’s corresponding round of the BFGoodrich CAMS Australian Off Road Championship.